Monday, March 14, 2011

A Long Sunday

Well I hit the Sunday tournament schedule hard as planned, but it turned out to be a long day. I started at 11am with the Sunday Warm-Up (a $215 major with a 750K Gtd. prize pool) and a few other lower buy in tournaments. I entered my last tournament around 7pm which didn't last too long so my day was done before 9pm. I actually started out feeling pretty sharp despite trying to shake the cobwebs from my 4am return home after a good night at the Flames game and on the town with Sean. Wearing the Canucks jersey turned out to work to my advantage, so not all of my dignity was lost.

Unfortunately, the trend of Sunday seemed to be building up chips early, and as soon as it felt like I had momentum on my side I would take an untimely beat. As a result, I wasn't able to take anything too deep. I made the money in a couple tournaments, but was still down a bit for the day. Chalk it up to experience. I stayed focused the whole day and didn't let any beats get to me, something I've been working hard on. So in that respect it was a successful day.

I was really hoping to start this blog out with a bit more of a bang and report that I took down the Sunday Million (the biggest sunday major), but that glorious news will have to wait another week.

I will probably get in a session or two this week after work, and then likely another Sunday session. Will play some mtt's (multi-table tournaments) and probably incorporate some single table tournaments during the week called sit n goes. These are good to incorporate in the schedule since they are lower variance games than mtt's, and therefore help smooth out those inevitable downswings that mtt players experience. Unfortunately, Variance makes exceptions for nobody.

The weather in Calgary is also perking up quite nicely, so I'm getting anxious to get out and do some running, and hopefully dust off Jake (my cross bike) and get some miles in the legs soon and shed that insulation that has kept me warm all winter. Poker is fun, but putting in hours at the tables doesn't exactly carve you a six-pack. Maybe I should start doing 5 minute intervals of my Buns of Steel video when tournaments go on break. Make some cash and chisel the behind.

Thanks for reading.



  1. I'm confused. Is this a Buns of Steel blog or a poker blog? Or maybe a hybrid of sorts? Like Bull poker?

    I do not like this.

  2. Sorry you were so easily confused, C. I will do my best to keep my posts to one topic for my special readers. I will either update you on the firmess of my buttocks, or poker. Whichever happens to be making more progress at the time of the post.

  3. I would appreciate that very much. It will help facilitate an accurate report for my own blog that I'm writing - Gluteus Weekly. I'm thinking a full page spread would be apt. When can I schedule the photo shoot?
